The Bucknell University Film/Media Studies concentration offers weekly presentations of cinema on the big screen. All screenings take place in downtown Lewisburg’s historic Campus Theatre, located at 413 Market Street.
The Tuesday Film/Media Series programs recent foreign and independent films and selections from the repertory of world cinema, many exhibited in collaboration with a rotating group of university departments and centers to feature events that support Bucknell’s intellectual and cultural mission. Most screenings include opportunities to contextualize the films presented through introductions, visiting filmmakers and post-screening discussions.
Tuesday screenings begin at 7 pm. Admission is free for all. If you would like to propose a theme or particular film for future programming, please contact Academic Film Programmer Rebecca Meyers at rm052@bucknell.edu.
Course Screenings are free and open to the public–it is important for Film/Media Studies students to see films projected as they were meant to be seen: on the big screen and with an audience.